Glassary Primary School

Week beginning 20th November


You probably know that pupils and staff in our partner school are ready and excited to welcome visitors for an HMIE Inspection of Tayvallich Primary School next week. We are very much looking forward to showing off the school and our learning.

Parental Engagement Session

I was sad that we had to postpone our parental engagement session about supporting our children’s learning on Wednesday last week.

We held a similar session in Tayvallich on Tuesday and you may wish to watch a video that I made as a follow-up to that.

The links to the video clips I mention are in the description underneath.

Remembering Children who are affected by war assembly

On Monday we saw our first assembly of the year that was led by pupils.

We were so very proud of Nora, Ross and Talla who had asked to talk to everyone about children affected by war. The spoke clearly, confidently and knowledgeably.

They asked us to think about how we might do some fundraising for UNICEF, an international organisation which supports children affected by wars around the world. They invited all of our pupils to come up with ideas for some fundraising events at the start of December.

You can see some photos of the assembly here:

and the script here:

Children in Need

Last week on Friday we did our absolutely amazing Glassary best to raise money for Children in Need.

Spots, PJs, cakes, Duck races, poetry and all sorts of art activities meant that we reached an incredibly total of….. drumroll…..


We are so proud of our children for raising this amount and send a big thank-you to all of you who donated.

Updated Special Diets Procedure

Please see the new guidance around children who require special diets and use the Argyll and Bute Council Catering Service here:

If your child requires a special diet, you must ensure that you have completed the Request Form mentioned in the guidance, which can be accessed from us in school.


Reports will be issued on Monday so please check bags for them. I was very proud to read through them all and see how much progress our children have made so far this term.

I will be quite busy this week with our visitors but as always, if you need anything, drop me an email or leave me a message on my voicemail and I will get back to you as soon as I can, or, if it is more urgent, contact school using our communication protocol which you can find here (or through the documents section of our website):  Glassary-Seesaw-and-communication-strategy-August-2023.pdf

Have a great week.
