Glassary Primary School

Week ending 15th March

Glassary Red Nose

Upcoming events

Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events in addition to those detailed below:

Fabulous work

Don’t forget to look at the class Seesaw accounts to see evidence of your child’s fantastic work, as well as ideas for how you can support learning at home and details of homework.

Whole School Trip

We are all getting very excited about our trip next Friday and have been able to finalise the list of adult/child learning pairs. It is fabulous that so many of you can come with us. Those of you that can’t, please rest assured that your child will have a great time and that we will take lots of pictures for you to see.

Please remember that our amazing parent council is fully funding this trip, so there will be nothing to pay.

Red Nose Day

Today we have been doing all sorts of funny things for money, including taking care of eggs in the P5 to 7 class and making red-nose themed stop motion animations.

If you have not donated yet, please give what you can, via our fundraising page here:

Request from Miss Fraser

If you have any bottles/recycling and newspaper that we can use to make model volcanoes in  the P5-7 please class, please send them in next week.

Thank you.

Have a great weekend.
