Glassary Primary School

Week ending 23rd February


I hope that you all had a wonderful February break. Staff had a busy training day on Monday working with colleagues from Tayvallich to look at the action points and rich learning opportunities that came out of the HMIE inspection and then focusing on their own individual learning priorities.

It was lovely to see the children again on Tuesday and hear all their news. It is also fantastic that the days are stretching and the birds have started to sing; spring is definitely in the air!

Upcoming events;

Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events:

Parents Evenings

Parents Evenings are being held on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th March from 3.30 to 4.45pm each night to discuss your child’s progress.  A ten minute slot will be available for each appointment and this can be face to face, by telephone or by Google Meet.  Please contact Mrs Speechley  before Tuesday 27th February – by email or telephone (Phone – 01546 605219 Email –, to state if you have any preference regarding the day or time for your appointment. We will do our best to accommodate these requests.

Whole School Trip

We are delighted that the Parent Council has allocated some funding to support the whole school trip and we can now work with the children to confirm the details. The date for the trip will be Friday 15th March, with provisional timings of 9am departure and 6pm return, although this will be confirmed once we have made the final decision about destination.  We are hoping that as many parents can join us as possible so please email me at your earliest convenience on to let me know whether you plan to accompany us.

Parent Council

The next Parent Council Meeting takes place on Thursday 29th February at 7pm in school. Please come along to find out more about how we can all work together to support your children.

Have a lovely weekend and you know where I am, if you need anything.