Glassary Primary School

Week ending 2nd February


I am not sure whether you heard that the HMIE Inspection report for Tayvallich Primary School came out this week and we were very pleased to find out that the inspectors were impressed with our school. You can read the reports on the Education Scotland website but also on the Tayvallich School website here:

I am confident that if the Inspectors had come to Glassary they would have been equally impressed by our pupils and their learning.

The P1 to 4 pupils have amazed us with the work they have done over this term about stereotypes and diversity on the topic of anti-racism. They’ve written some fantastic acrostic poems using vocabulary relating to anti-racism. This week they have also created art collages by mixing primary colours to create different skin tones on paper and made line art to understand and identify how people can look different and how diversity should be celebrated as we are all unique.

You can see a picture of some of their beautiful artwork with this week’s update.

Consent for photos and videos

On Monday we will send home updated consent forms for photos and videos; these have been issued by the Argyll and Bute Data Protection Officer to keep us in line with data sharing principles.

Please ensure that these are returned to school by Wednesday of next week.

Reminder – change to the timings of the school day

This will take effect on our return from the February holiday on Monday 19th February (Staff Inset)/ Tuesday 20th February (for pupils).

9am to 10.30 – in class

10.30 to 10.45 – morning break

10.45 to 12 – in class

12 until 12.45 – lunch break

12.45 until 2pm – in class

2pm until 2.15– afternoon break

2.15 until 3.15 – in class (ELC will finish at 3pm)

Have a great last week of term and you know where I am, if you need anything.