Glassary Primary School

Week ending 9th February


The weeks fly by and here we are already at another holiday! As I said to the children and staff in assembly on Monday, some of us will be delighted to get some time off and a chance to rest and do some of the things that we maybe don’t get time for in term time. However, for others of us who love being in school and learning with Team Glassary, the holidays may seem like an inconvenient disruption!

You will remember from last week the fantastic art and poetry that the P1 to 4 pupils have been working on as part of our Anti-Racism work. This week I am delighted to share with you the stunning poem that the P5 to 7 class has written for the Show Racism the Red Card Schools Project:

All colours are beautiful, where to begin,

If I could stop racism, I would dance and sing.

All colours are beautiful, it does not matter the tone,

So stop making racist comments on your telephone.


All colours are beautiful, no matter dark or light,

It does not matter the colour, let us stop this fight.

All colours are beautiful, I am not scared to be me,

Let us stop racism, One….Two….Three!

Miss Mahmood is leading on our anti-racism work and has really inspired the children through her teaching of the topic. You can find out more about the Show Racism the Red Card project here:

Staffing news

It is with very mixed emotions that I share the news with you that Mrs Flett has accepted a post at a school in Kintyre and will be finishing up with us on Wednesday 6th March. For Mrs Flett, this is an exciting opportunity for her to work closer to her beautiful new home but as you know, she will be very much missed by us all. We will arrange a full Glassary send-off for her when the time comes.

The children will be officially told about this news in our first assembly back but you may want to talk to your child about it before then, so that they understand that there is a change coming. I have already made arrangements to ensure that we will be fully staff and there will be no disruption to teaching and learning for the rest of the session.

We are advertising two posts on MyJobScotland until Friday 23th February – Our permanent 9.5 hour Classroom Assistant post and a temporary 20 hour ASN Assistant post . Please share the adverts widely in your networks:

Next term

We have lots planned for after the holidays and you can see upcoming events on our website here:

We are also planning that David McAlister and Erin Downie, our Active Schools Co-ordinators will be starting Young Leader work with our P6s and P7s again, so that they will be ready to lead playground games when the better weather returns.

Reminder – change to the timings of the school day

This will take effect on our return from the February holiday on Monday 19th February (Staff Inset)/ Tuesday 20th February (for pupils).

9am to 10.30 – in class

10.30 to 10.45 – morning break

10.45 to 12 – in class

12 until 12.45 – lunch break

12.45 until 2pm – in class

2pm until 2.15– afternoon break

2.15 until 3.15 – in class (ELC will finish at 3pm)

Have a fantastic break and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 20th.
